Why Is It Important to Make Clean Swaps?

The Philosophy of The Rain Barrel Effect

When we are addressing optimal health, its important to understand the rain barrel effect. The rain barrel effect is an analogy for our overall toxic load. As humans, we are exposed to a large amount of stressors and toxins everyday. Our body must process and detoxify from every single one, otherwise, we begin experiencing negative symptoms in our health.
As you can see in the illustration above, there are lots of different ways we are being exposed to toxin and stressors. These toxins are chemicals in our skincare, pesticides, GMOs, household chemicals, tap water, processed foods, air quality,

Then we have stressors that come in the form of financial stress, emotional stress, work stress, family stress, relationships, etc. while they’re not exactly toxins, they produce cortisol in the body which must be processed by the liver along with the toxins causing a burden on this detoxifying organ and they keep our bodies in a constant state of fight or flight which naturally inhibits, our body to restore itself.

In this analogy, these stressors are the rain and your body is the rain barrel. There are only so many stressors your body can take until it you start experiencing symptoms. Let’s say some of the stressors get processed and detoxified by the liver, however, when the stressors & toxins overload the detoxification pathways, this is when the bucket overflows or when the body starts showing symptoms of toxic overload.

Unfortunately some of these things are just out of our control. We can’t live in a bubble and we can’t control our external environment so this means that we will just have to focus on those things that we can control, what we put on our body and what we feed our bodies.

So what can we control?

  • Our intake of processed food

  • The quality of our food

  • Water Quality

  • Household products

  • Cleaning Supplies

  • Hand Soaps

  • Laundry Soap

  • Use of Fragrances

  • Candles

  • Air Purifiers

  • Things we put on our skin

    • Make-up

    • Lotions

    • Sunscreen

    • Hair Care

    • Body Wash

    • Bug Spray

    • Cleansers

    • Soaps

I have tried hundreds of products and these are by far my favorite products with ingredients lists that you can always pronounce! Ready to start diving into easy swaps?