Water Purifier

Did You Know...

  • Fluoride, the same contaminant added to our tap water, is considered a poison and if you swallow only a pea-sized amount (the same amount as in an average 8oz glass of water in the U.S.) you are meant to contact poison control. (1)

  • Cancer causing Chromium-6 has been found in more than 75% of US tap water supplies.

  • Tap water rules allow for MORE Chlorine than what is in a public swimming pool!

  • Unsafe water kills 200 children every hour. A child dies every 8 minutes from a water-related issue while about 80% of all illness in the developing world are water related.

  • Various estimates indicate that, based on business as usual, ~3.5 planets Earth would be needed to sustain a global population achieving the current lifestyle of the average European or North American.

  • Three quarters of all Americans live within 10 miles of polluted water.

  • Water makes up about 66 percent of the human body. Newborn babies have even more, ringing in at 78 percent water.

  • Only one percent of all the world’s water can be used for drinking. Nearly 97 percent of the world’s water is salty or otherwise undrinkable, and the other two percent is locked away in ice caps and glaciers

  • Some old water pipes still contain lead, a poisonous metal. Lead may cause a range of health effects including behavioral problems and learning disabilities. Children six years old and under are most at risk because this is when the brain is developing.

  • The EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Act (1974) regulates only 91 of the over 60,000 chemicals used in the United States. Even low levels of hundreds of legally allowed contaminants have been associated with a wide range of diseases, including cancer.

  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that Americans annually take 40 trillion gallons of water from the ground, and the rate of use is increasing 25% per decade. Scientists argue that ground water is being polluted and used at a rate that far outstrips nature’s ability to cope.

  • The tap water of at least 41 million Americans has been found to contain a wide range of pharmaceuticals, including sex hormones and anti-seizure medicine.

  • More than 62 million Americans since 2004 have been exposed to substandard tap water. This exposure has lasted for years for some people.

Our bodies are made up of 66% water and as you can see, tap water is a terrible option no matter where you go. I live in the mountains and the saying here is “drink Tahoe tap”, and it may be some of the cleanest tap water out there but you won’t catch me drinking it unfiltered. In fact, the EWG tap water data base discloses that there are 15 contaminates in this water and 10 of those are over the EWG limits, all of which can cause cancer. This is seriously some of the best tap water you can find so if your thinking your tap water is great... think again!

There is ALWAYS chlorine found in tap water, because there has to be a way to kill the harmful bacteria that can make you sick. However, chlorine is terrible for our gut health because the same way it kills the bacteria in our tap water its killing our good bacteria in our gut.
The health of our gut microbiome is the very foundation of our overall health in general.

Tap water also can contain other chemicals like chromium 6 which can cause cancer, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, and mass amounts of Fluoride.
Make no mistake this is all stuff that is DETRIMENTAL to our overall health.

So what do you do? Buy jugs of water at the store or plastic water bottles? I hate to break it to you but bottled water, depending on the brand can be just as bad as tap water.
Plus it’s extremely wasteful and expensive! So what is the solution?

A water filter!

But not just any water filter, because Brita’s and those other cheap filters aren’t doing much in terms of filtering everything out either.

That’s why I use CLEARLY FILTERED!

It is reasonably priced, although the filters are somewhat pricy it is totally worth it because it is one of the few that will filter out 99% of chlorine, flouride, micro plastics, PFOS and heavy metals. Check out their website for all the testing they do to ensure their filters are taking out all the chemicals. Plus you can even type in your zip code and see what kind of contaminants are in your water supply.

Clearly Filtered Pitcher

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